Basketball Senior Night will be on Monday February 10th immediately following the Boys 7/8th game vs. Sharon Mutual. Seniors, please meet in the Weight Room with the person(s) that you plan to walk with at 5:20 p.m. Seniors, please bring your trifold so we can display them in the lobby.
Mr. Wright & Boosters

Tonight's Boys Game vs. Taloga has been cancelled. However the Girls Game is still on. Tip off is 6:30 at Taloga. Please go support our Girls Basketball Team tonight.
Mr. Wright

TONIGHT 5pm FAFSA night. Cimarron Library for all seniors and parents working on completing the FAFSA. If you are opting out, seniors stop by my office to pick up an opt out form and return with all signatures required.

Tonight's games vs. Billings has been cancelled. This is a result of Billings not having enough students to play , due to illness. Cimarron is hoping to secure a make-up game/date with Billings (or versus another school) but no make-up date is available at this time.
Mr. Wright

Today (January 21st) Our Home Games vs. Aline-Cleo have been cancelled. The reason, Aline-Cleo is not in session today and therefore cannot travel.
Mr. Wright

Reminder: The bus leaves the school at 10:45 a.m. All PIPs must be at the Northwestern gym in Alva by 12:50 p.m. Bring your white shoes and socks.

Away Basketball versus Garber on Monday, January 12th, has been canceled. Those games will be made up at home on Tuesday, January 13th, starting at 2:30 pm.

Cimarron Varsity Boys Basketball Team will play (Tomorrow) Saturday, January 11th at 5:40 p.m. at Dibble. Please come and support our Boys Team if you can. Be safe!
Tim Wright

Congratulations to Mrs. Kahn for receiving a grant for her classroom! #AwesomeStaff

The High School boys will not play at the Dibble Tournament today, Friday, January 10th. They will play on Saturday, January 11th; however, the game time has not yet been determined. We will provide more updates once we receive a Saturday game time from the Dibble Tournament Director.

Cimarron Schools will be closed tomorrow due to inclement weather. We will be back in session on Monday. Please stay safe and warm.

Due to the increase in inclement weather, Cimarron will be running buses at 1:00 p.m. Parents may pick students up before 1:00 p.m. by checking them out in the office. If your student drove to school and you would like them to go home now, please contact the office.

Because of potential snow on Thursday, the Dibble Boys Basketball Tournament schedule has changed. Please be advised that instead of our boys playing on Thursday, they now play on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 12:20 p.m.
Mr. Wright

Check out the upcoming PIP performances for the remainder of the 24-25 school year. Thank you to everyone for your support of this program!

Dibble Winter Classic Tournament Bracket

PIP practice will be tomorrow from 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. Please ensure your PIP has a white shirt, shorts, and practice shoes. You may pick up your child at the Big gym at 4:30 p.m. Thank you for your support!

“Can’t make it tonight? No worries! Watch the Christmas program live on Skordle at http://cimarrontrailblazers.tv/ or catch it later in the archives!”

Cimarron Basketball has modified it's 24-25 HIGH SCHOOL basketball schedule. For convenience, we have posted the modified schedule on our school website calendar.
Mr. Wright

Reminder: PIPs will perform Friday night at halftime of the girls' basketball game. The game time has been moved to 6:00 p.m. Please have all PIPs in the band room at 6:00 p.m. We will have practice on Wednesday after school until 4:30. Everyone must attend to be able to perform on Friday.

Tonight ALL Elementary and Junior High Basketball Games versus Timberlake will be held at Helena Gym. Previously, the games were to be played at Jet. This change was made by Timberlake Public Schools today. Again, games will be played at Helena and 5/6th grade girls game will start at 4:30.
Mr. Wright